Nurseries at Harmony House
At Harmony House we have three great Nurseries located in Dagenham, Castle Green & Hornchurch.
To find out more about each location please click below.

Our carefully crafted spaces provide a warm, stimulating atmosphere that encourages curiosity, social interaction, and foundational educational experiences for your little ones.
Tax-Free Childcare Eligibility
According to, families could be eligible for Tax-Free Childcare if they:
- Have a child or children aged 11 or under. They stop being eligible on 1 September after their 11th birthday. If their child has a disability, they may get up to £4,000 a year until they are 17.
- Earn, or expect to earn, at least the National Minimum Wage or Living Wage for 16 hours a week, on average.
- Each earn no more than £100,000 per annum.
- Do not receive tax credits, Universal Credit or childcare vouchers.
A full list of the eligibility criteria is available on GOV.UK
Parent Partnership
It is our Aim to involve parents with their child’s learning and development as much as possible.
We hold regular Parents’ Evenings and encourage you to attend to discuss the progress of your child. All information relating to your child is available for you to see at any time. Staff are always on hand to answer any questions you may have and welcome comments from parents. There is a Parents Information Board outside each room that will inform you of what is happening within the Childhood Centre. You will also find information on the work your child is covering and advice on activities you may wish to try at home.
Regular events and outings are planned for the children and we welcome parents during these occasions. If you have some spare time and would like to help within the Childhood Centre, please speak to a member of staff. We welcome comments and suggestions from parents.
The curriculum is a general term for everything we want children to learn about and experience, and the way we encourage them to reach their full potential.
The “Early Learning Goals” are national agreed targets for children to reach by the end of the reception year in primary school. They outline everything a found child should know and understand by this time. The Early Learning Goals encourage the development of personal and social skills, early reading and writing skills, early number skills and understanding of the world, physical development, creative and spiritual development.
The curriculum is therefore to do with everything a child does, sees, hears or feels in planned and unplanned activities. Children learn through play and investigation, alone or in groups. In all activities your child is learning.
Activities are planned by staff to ensure every child is able to reach their full potential in all areas of development. A written record is kept of your child’s development, based upon daily observation and assessment by staff. You can see these records whenever you wish, and they are particularly helpful at Parents’ Evenings.
Many Children come here whose home language is not English. We value the richness and differences of different cultures, traditions and languages. Our staff include those who speak French, Spanish, Dutch, Lingala, Kinyarwanda, Twi, Turkish, Romanian, Polish, Lithuanian and Greek. Whilst recognizing the importance of a child becoming familiar with the English language, we encourage parents to make sure their child does not forget their parent tongue.
Activity plans and routines are displayed in all rooms and are available for parents to read.